
args: none

returns: Array of Object that look like { combination: String, command: String, mode: String }

When.documentation() generates objects that can be used to document the keyboard shortcuts in your app.

NOTE: This method is meant to be used for development purposes, such as to assist in creating shortcut documentation, and not for use in your app itself. It only documents keyboard shortcuts that are currently registered, meaning shortcuts that are created dynamically will likely not be documented. However, if you app creates all required shortcuts immediately/statically, this method could be used to display documentation in your app.

When('a').IsPressed().Execute(console.log, 'console log');


// would produce:
    combination: '↓a',
    command: 'console log',
    mode: '',

You might use this in your app like this:

const tableBody = document.querySelector('tbody')[0];
When.documentation().forEach((shortcut) => {
  tableBody.innerHTML += `<tr>

or simply call it from the DevTools in your browser for reference.