Whenable.Execute(handler | commandName[, docName])


handler: ShortcutHandler or commandName: String, the name of a command registered via Run()

docName: optional String, the name that will show up as the command in When.documentation()

Execute() defines which ShortcutHandler should be used for the shortcut, either by specifying one explicitly or providng a command name for a previously registered handler.

When.command('some_command', (context) => {

// in When.documentation(), this shortcut will have a "command" property value of 'some_command'

// in When.documentation(), this shortcut will have a "command" property value of ''

// in When.documentation(), this shortcut will have a "command" property value of 'log',
// even though 'log' is not a registered command name
When('c').Execute(console.log, 'log');